Goals, values and humans –
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Beichler & Grünenwald, your PTFE-Spezialist.

the next step – we never stop
As a company, we are fully and completely devoted to the high-performance plastic PTFE. We are captivated by the incredible number of possibilities offered by this fascinating material. Whenever we look back, we find that product and solutions have been developed you wouldn’t have thought about before their appearance. It just goes on and on, new ideas and applications are constantly developing. This obviously never-ending story is something great and we are part of it – that fills us with pride and humility.
We firmly believe that good products make the world to a better place. That is why our credo is: the next step – we always look ahead. We are never satisfied with what we have achieved, because there is always a next step.
An old saying goes, “The better is the enemy of good” – for us, that simply means always leveling the field for the better.